Fang-Long Shih is a specialist in the anthropology of Taiwan, often with a comparative perspective. She was awarded a PhD in the LSE Anthropology and the SOAS Study of Religions from the University of London. Her research encompasses vernacular religion, political-economic phenomena, civic society, and cultural heritage. She has published extensive academic works and opinion pieces on current affairs, delving into topics such as religious practices, identity politics, democratic development, transitional justice, cognitive warfare, historiographic conflicts, and Taiwan’s heritage. Her work provides critical and unique insights into the complex interplay between political-economic dynamics and socio-cultural practices, both within Taiwan and in broader global contexts.
- PhD, University of London, UK – VIVA passed with no corrections (2005)
Joint supervision: Anthropology at London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Study of Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)博士學位:2005年獲得英國倫敦大學博士學位,雙指導博士:倫敦政治經濟學院人類學系和亞非學院宗教研究
- MA, Lancaster University, UK – Distinction (1994)
Combined Programme: Women’s Studies and Religious Studies碩士學位:1994年獲得英國蘭卡斯特大學碩士學位,雙修碩士:主修婦女研究與宗教研究,優等獎。
- BA, National Taiwan University, Taiwan – First Class Honours (1984)
Chinese Studies, including: Chinese Classics (經); Chinese History (史); Chinese Philosophy (子); and Chinese Literature (集)學士學位:1984年畢業於台灣國立台灣大學,主修中國研究(包括:經學、史學、子學及文學),第一等榮譽。
- Joined the LSE in 2003, serving as Research Fellow in the Taiwan Research Programme within the Asia Research Centre (2003–2016), in ‘Research and Expertise’ (2016–2018), in the Anthropology Department (2018–2022), and affiliated with the LSE IDEAS Digital IR (2023–2024).
自2003年起,受聘於倫敦政治經濟學院,曾任亞洲研究中心台灣研究室研究員(2003–2016)、「研究與專家」部門研究員(2016–2018)、人類學系台灣社會研究員(2018–2022),及LSE IDEAS外交政策智庫下,數位國際關係計劃研究員(2023–2024)。
- Launched the seminar series ‘Taiwan in Comparative Perspective’ in 2006, serving as chair.
- Founded and served as editor of the journal Taiwan in Comparative Perspective in 2007—the first scholarly journal on Taiwan based outside of Taiwan.
- Co-Director of the LSE Taiwan Research Programme since 2009, alongside Professor Stephan Feuchtwang.
自2009年起,與英國人類學教授王斯福(Stephan Feuchtwang)共同擔任倫敦政經學院台灣研究計劃的聯合主任。
- Member of the Board of Directors of the American Association for Chinese Studies since 2015.
- Member of the Board of Advisors of the Global Taiwan Institute, Washington DC, since 2016.
- She has also undertaken international media interviews (e.g. by The BBC World TV News; The BBC World News–Impact; The World Tonight–BBC Radio 4; New York Times).
自2016年起,她曾接受國際媒體專訪,包括 BBC World TV News、BBC World News–Impact、BBC Radio 4–The World Tonight、紐約時報 等。
- Regular contributor of opinion pieces to influential media, with a focus on Taiwan and in comparative perspective since 2020.
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